Resisting self-care
Self-care is big on everyone’s mind right now, what with lockdown 2.0 here in the UK, surge capacity depletion, the shorter days and colder weather. It’s been a buzzword for months, everyone has their own opinions and versions of it and it really is something we should all be considering during “these unprecedented times” (sorry).
Reflection tools: journaling
Having a reflection practice is becoming more and more important to me, and the benefits more apparent. There was a time a few years ago where I knew it was useful, but I did the majority of the reflection in my head. As a general ‘thinky’ person I can spend a lot of time in there anyway; reflecting is kind of a natural state for me to be in - away with the fairies, head in the clouds. But these days I’m much more intentional in my reflection practice and the results are much more rewarding.
Making time for small joys : plus a tool for finding balance in your life and business
After spending some much needed time reflecting on life at the end of 2019 I came to many realisations. The biggest was probably around how I was choosing to spend my time, and therefore also my life. As I’ve mentioned before, I hadn’t found the right balance between work (my side-business more specifically) and, well, everything else.