New year thoughts

The new year came and went and I’m just about getting started with my ‘resolutions’, or starting to think about them anyway. New Year’s is usually a great time for me to get going with fresh ideas, intentions and habits; but this year seemed to kick off with a sigh rather than the usual spark.


Christmas left a bit of an energy hangover that still hasn’t quite shifted (thanks to a teething baby stealing all my sleep). But binge-watching Marie Kondo’s new series on Netflix has made me realise something I need to get done before any new resolutions are made or ‘words for the year’ are picked. What I need to do is:

  • simplify my home

  • organise my time

Two seemingly simple but altogether time-consuming tasks! The first two weeks of the year have so far been spent decluttering and trying to clear the junkyard that is my home so that I can clear my head in the process. I just can’t think of anything else or add anything more to my plate before this is complete.

I truly believe that your environment plays a big part on your mood, energy, inspiration, well everything! So I plan to make this little space of mine as simple and inspiring as I can. It will take a while, but the first step is to get rid of the mess, so that is where I’ll start. Wish me luck!

I will probably share some of the process over on my Instagram page, so follow along there if you’re interested. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my first blog post of the year. I’ll be back again soon with some January inspiration x


January : inspiration


Baby’s first Christmas